Wow two blogs in one day, turning in to a pro. It’s been brought up on our social media page (like us on Facebook asking about the name.
Well I've been thinking about this little venture for quite a while but as with lots of things stuff kept happening and it didn't really move forward until June/July 2016 when I managed to get my workshop clear and finished making a sign which I had promised to a friend some 3 months previous. With everything clear and some inspiration from my brother I decided it was time for a name.
The first idea was amh Design (my initials) however looking on Etsy and a google search this was already taken and well, according to some was a little dull. I toyed with amh Projects, TwentyEight04 and a number of others, none of which got a great reception.
Then at a friend’s wedding, whilst a little drunk I should add, a group of us were sitting around enjoying the discussion, wine and champagne when I mentioned that I need to find a name for this venture. How exactly Designasaw came up I can't remember, however, as soon as it was mentioned it was an instant hit.
After the hangover had cleared a txt message or two was bounced to my brother to get his approval followed by a message to my sister for her input. A thumbs up was sent back quickly followed by discussions about logo design. Within 24 hours my sister had the logo drawn up and emailed across to me.
After all these people had helped me get to this point I felt I should get my bum in gear and get a website up and running.
I do keep thinking my little Dinosaur does need a name..... a possible competition time.